Unity is a great option because it’s so universally used.
An alternative to learning Unity instead of tutorials:
Step 1: Learn the absolute basics
Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the basics
Step 3: Over time add more advanced skills as you need to apply them
GameObject: Everything in Unity is a GameObject
An invisible container with a position, rotation, and scale, which you can fill with components to make it do stuff
Sprite renderer to give it an image
Rigid Body to give it physics
A collider to make it hit things
A script to write programming code for it
Ask yourself questions about those GameObjects, like “How do I make GameObjects spawn on the screen?” or “How do I make GameObjects run into each other”, and then google from there
Recreate a game on your own
Game Design
Game Design is the most important part of building a game and should be the first thing you nail down when building a game
The Gameplay is key. Make sure the game will be fun before you spend time making it.
Build a prototype to see if an idea is fun or not. Usually unfinished art, or sprites stolen from other games, just to see if the game idea works
It’s common for new ideas to arise during prototyping