· Brittany Ellich · notes · 2 min read
- A container orchestrator that makes sure that each container is where it’s supposed to be and that the containers can communicate
- k8s —> acronym for the 8 letters between the k and the s in kubernetes
- When working with Kubernetes, you could also be working with Docker for containers
- Kubernetes manages running multiple containers on a single machine
- Kubectl is the Kubernetes CLI
- Kubernetes configuration is done using
files - Kubernetes provides you with the following out of the box:
- Service discovery and load balancing
- Storage orchestration
- Automated rollouts and rollbacks
- Automatic bin packing: fitting containers onto your nodes to make the best use of resources
- Self healing: You provide a health-check endpoint, Kubernetes checks it and replaces containers that don’t respond to it as expected
- Secret configuration and management: Lets you deploy and update secrets and app configuration without rebuilding your container images
Learning Resources
- Kubernetes 101, 110, 120
- Kubernetes Overview Documentation
- kubectl Cheat Sheet
- Kubernetes from basics to autoscaling (4 parts)
- Read the core concepts
- Operating k8s and what could break (also in video form)
- Azure Kubernetes Service learning and training
- Kubernetes the Hard Way is the standard for a bottom-up understanding of k8s
- AKS is Azure’s managed Kubernetes configuration, which makes additions and constraints to Kubernetes. The AKS Baseline is a set of recommendations andreference implementations for using AKS effectively within these constraints.
- istio.io is a good starting place for understanding Istio, and has all the official documentation.
- Video: What is Kubernetes
- Video: Kubernetes and Docker
- HoneyPot on Kubernetes Documentary
- Watch the videos on https://kustomize.io/.
- Video of a talk on Kustomize from KubeCon 2018. A nice introduction to Kustomize and understanding what problems the tool is attempting to solve.
- Docker Containers and Kubernetes Fundamentals
- Istio in Action is a more in-depth book about the ins and outs of using Istio