notes / software-engineering / tools /kubernetes

· Brittany Ellich · notes  · 2 min read



  • A container orchestrator that makes sure that each container is where it’s supposed to be and that the containers can communicate
  • k8s —> acronym for the 8 letters between the k and the s in kubernetes
  • When working with Kubernetes, you could also be working with Docker for containers
  • Kubernetes manages running multiple containers on a single machine
  • Kubectl is the Kubernetes CLI
  • Kubernetes configuration is done using .yaml files
  • Kubernetes provides you with the following out of the box:
    • Service discovery and load balancing
    • Storage orchestration
    • Automated rollouts and rollbacks
    • Automatic bin packing: fitting containers onto your nodes to make the best use of resources
    • Self healing: You provide a health-check endpoint, Kubernetes checks it and replaces containers that don’t respond to it as expected
    • Secret configuration and management: Lets you deploy and update secrets and app configuration without rebuilding your container images

Learning Resources




  • Istio in Action is a more in-depth book about the ins and outs of using Istio
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